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I don’t want to sound like a salesman

Nobody wants to sound like a salesman, but we are, you and I. We sell products, services, we sell our craft.

Having a story helps, having a script and some steps might feel like a safe place when we need to pitch.

I did this and it costs this.

I did this for you and it costs this.

I did this for you, so that you can achieve X and it costs this.

I did this for you, so that you can achieve X and be this person, and it costs this.

We need a narrative between our product or service and how much it costs.

Not just for the customers, but for ourselves.

We can’t sell something that we don’t believe in.

What is it that you are helping your customers to be, achieve, conquer or dream?

What is the narrative that they need to hear between ‘I made this’ and ‘It costs that’?



Tired of trying to convince people around?
This might be what you need!
A jargon-free space for mastering the art of communicati
ng effectively and effortlessly

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