Storytelling is part art, part technique. Or maybe it’s part magic and part technique.
While you probably agree with the technique part, magic may sound a bit odd.
The magic comes when trust that you can gain great benefit and achieve more when you connect emotionally to your story, or as Brené Brown puts it, when you dare to be vulnerable.
Before we can influence anybody, we need to let them see us.
The first story we need to tell them is “Why I’m standing here telling you this”.
We can tell a perfectly crafted story, but first we need to earn the right to be listened to, which only comes when we connect with our story emotionally.
Don’t think of stories as a technique for getting people to do something, convincing them or motivating them.
Instead, see your story as a privileged moment that offers you the opportunity to connect.
You earn the right to be listened to not because you’ve mastered the technique but because you speak from your heart. That’s where the magic starts.