The flight is packed and we have a 40-minute delay, but there’s a holiday vibe in the environment. It’s a sunny day at our destination and 29 degrees, and it seems that the due to good weather conditions the delay is just going to be 20 minutes after all.
Right before landing we start hearing the safety announcements, including all the information that most of us have heard thousands of times before, and that includes the appeal to donate to a charity, but this time there is something different.
The flight attendant spends more time than usual explaining what the charity does. She goes into detail. She seems to know what she’s talking about.
When she passes down the aisle she is actually collecting money, people are contributing and she is telling them stories about how this money is making a difference, how she volunteers on some of these projects in Africa for children with AIDS, how this money is well spent.
Every single person donating money gets a warm thank you and a little story about how his or her contribution is important.
I’m sure she collected more money than any other flight attendant reading a message from a script, but I’m also sure also that she left many of us wondering how we could do more to improve other people’s lives.
The money collected was proof that there’s a difference between reading a message from a script written by someone else and reading a message that you wrote in your own words about something that you believe in.
If you need to give a whole script to people to understand what they need to say when they interact with your customers, you might need to consider first working with how they relate to your story and how they find what you do enlightening and relevant for the people you want to serve.
Picture by meaduva