If you want to find the meaning of a word you can check it in five seconds on your phone. If you need to book a flight, you can do it in ten minutes. You can do your weekly shop and buy everything you need from your desk.
You don’t need to talk to anybody to make a decision.
Somehow we are making most of our buying decisions in isolation.
We sit down in front of our computer, we Google what we need, we look for reviews and recommendations, and if we’re convinced, we buy.
People buy from you because they’ve found you or heard of you, but being found is becoming more and more difficult.
There are thousands of products out there with similar characteristics. Even if I’ve found you, why would I stick with your product or service if I can get it at a better price?
There’s another way.
What if instead of wanting to be found, you want to be sought out? What if you find the narrative and the story that people are looking for when they buy products, so they search for you instead?
There is something magic about looking and finding something that you really want in comparison to looking and finding what you just need.
There’s an art in elevating needs to wants to help your customers tell their story about who they want to be.